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Enrolled Families and Seniors: You are welcome to pickup food at our center Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:15 AM - 5:15 PM and Tuesday from 2:00 PM to 5:15 PM with no appointment needed.     

Inscrito familias y personas mayores: pueden recoger comida en nuestro centro los lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes de 8:15 a. m. a 5:15 p. m. y los martes de 2:00 p. m. a 5:15 p. m. sin necesidad de cita previa. 

News & Events—


Happy New Year Friends!

I wanted to share a table full of thank you cards from the seniors, children, and their families that you have provided tremendous support to in 2024. Here are words of gratitude and thanks from those you have helped this year. 

We received a request from a local teacher to provide six families with gifts for their children this Christmas. The families also had a significant need for food. Our wonderful donors came forward and these children received amazing presents. They received Legos, craft kits, toys, sports equipment, games, stuffed animals, clothing, gift cards and books. The families also received a large food package to cook and enjoy meals together. We received an email from John, the teacher and here is what he has to say about your incredible generosity. 

"The Transition Program wanted to extend a special thank you for the wonderful gifts, gift cards, holiday meals, and all of your team's hard work that went into making our students and families feel honored and cared for during the 2023 Christmas Holiday. As families were picking up items they were shocked at the amount of gifts and food that were for them. Many shed a tear. They all wanted to extend their gratitude."

You are also ensuring multi-generational households receive the help they need. Felicita, a senior enrolled in the Senior Citizen Project has her daughter, Megan and grandchildren living with her. Felicita's family helps to care for her and they come to HSP several times a month to pickup food, adult diapers and personal care items. Her thank you card arrived with the following message: "Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. May God Bless you and thank you so very much for the beautiful gifts for my mother, dog toy, food for the entire family for holidays and diapers. Sincerely, Felicita and family." 

Always remember through your love and kindness, you make an incredible impact on the lives of the young and the old alike. As Angela, a senior in the Senior Citizen Project wrote in her thank you card, "Thank you so much everyone. It makes me happy." And I couldn't agree more!

I wish you and your loved ones a Happy New Year and I look forward to serving beside you in 2024!

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