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Enrolled Families and Seniors: You are welcome to pickup food at our center Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:15 AM - 5:15 PM and Tuesday from 2:00 PM to 5:15 PM with no appointment needed.     

Inscrito familias y personas mayores: pueden recoger comida en nuestro centro los lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes de 8:15 a. m. a 5:15 p. m. y los martes de 2:00 p. m. a 5:15 p. m. sin necesidad de cita previa. 

News & Events—


We Love Our Volunteers

April is National Volunteer month and our volunteers are at the heart and soul of HSP's organization. Every week volunteers come to our center to bag fresh fruit and vegetables, sort non-perishables and stock the pantry. Volunteers travel to the Northern Illinois Food Bank, and grocery stores to pickup much needed food. They give their time to make sure families and the elderly have the groceries and essential items they need to make it through the week. When families, children and seniors arrive at the center, they load cars and pull requested items. And they deliver to families that do not have transportation and seniors that are homebound. Volunteers put together packages of books, party in a bag, and school supply kits for children receiving birthday boxes. And when Christmas comes around, they are Santa's elves, packing bags of toys for children to open on Christmas day. With a small staff we could never serve so many people without their incredible dedication and commitment to helping those in need. We are thankful to have our incredible volunteers as part of or HSP family. Happy Volunteer Month, we love and celebrate you friends!   

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