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Enrolled Families and Seniors: You are welcome to pickup food at our center Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 8:15 AM - 5:15 PM and Tuesday from 2:00 PM to 5:15 PM with no appointment needed.     

Inscrito familias y personas mayores: pueden recoger comida en nuestro centro los lunes, miércoles, jueves y viernes de 8:15 a. m. a 5:15 p. m. y los martes de 2:00 p. m. a 5:15 p. m. sin necesidad de cita previa. 

News & Events—


Seniors & Children Need You

With November  just beginning I thought I would share the most current information on the Christmas program.

Our numbers continue to climb with 1,565 children (165 more children were added in the last 3 weeks) and 217 seniors signed up for Christmas and it's only October.

This is where you can make Christmas merry for all the children and seniors hoping for presents under the tree.  

Our goal is to provide over 1,565 children with a book, toys, and a $25 gift card.  We aim to provide 217 seniors with two $25 gift cards. Here are three ways that you can be Santa's helper:   

1. Purchase a $25 gift card to Target or Walmart. Mail it to our center, or drop it by our center Monday - Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:30 PM. You are also welcome to place gift cards through the mail slot in our front door outside of these hours. 

2. Mail a check to our center or donate online HERE to provide a donation to purchase gift cards or toys. Please just note in the memo field or online comment field; donation to purchase gift cards or toys. 

3. Purchase toys or host a toy drive. We need toys for children ages 3 - 15 years old. The most needed items are:

  • Stuffed animals, Squishmallows, Baby dolls, Board Games
  • Journal sets, Legos, Bath / Beauty sets, Craft / Science kits
  • Sports equipment (footballs, basketballs, soccer balls)

We are happy to email you a toy drive flyer if you need one. Toys can be mailed or dropped off at our center. 

Let's help kiddos and seniors enjoy some awesome treats on Christmas day!  

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